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Sandstone Ridge

Letter to the Ridge - Respect, Protect and Enjoy

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As fine weather is forecast for the weekend, we continue to promote responsible behaviour and personal safety whilst out and about on The Ridge.

With this in mind, and in support of recent articles that we have published, we share with you a letter which we have received just this week and which echoes our sentiments.

We ask everyone to RESPECT, PROTECT & ENJOY this magical landscape and to please adhere to The Countryside Code ...

'... the countryside has become insanely busy now that we are coming out of lockdown and with everyone taking to the great outdoors. Whilst this is likely to be a minority, it is still a worrying minority that is causing mayhem in our local patch, and it has been really challenging for our local farmers and landowners. I have witnessed people going just about wherever they want (often inappropriately dressed for the countryside) with little regard for the public footpaths or the rights of way, letting dogs off their leads and then allowing those dogs to frighten our local sheep and lambs. I have also seen children entering barns like they are a petting zoo! There is litter everywhere. Some visitors have complained about horses in fields (not being tied up!), about tractors on the narrow roads, that paths are too muddy and that there are too many weeds and brambles...'

CLICK HERE for The Countryside Code.

CLICK HERE regarding the promotion of responsible behaviour

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

© 2017-2025 Sandstone Ridge Trust