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The 'Conker Cave' and 'Sand-men' on The Ridge at Helsby

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We continue with our 'Heritage Articles' and revelations regarding yet another cave on The Sandstone Ridge.

One of the most remarkable feats of cottage industry to be seen along The Ridge is the "Conker Cave" in Helsby.

On a small plot of land, once known as "Cobbler's Wife", there is a huge cavern carved out by hand to extract a particularly fine white sand.

Today the entrances to the cave are on private land, caged and locked, and the cave is monitored by the Cheshire Bat Group.

However, the 'Beneath the Ridge' project team has been investigating the story of the "Conker Cave" and of the Tweedale family who excavated it, revealing a glimpse of times past in a long-forgotten industry.

For the full article CLICK HERE.

To read some our previously published stories from 'Beneath the Ridge' CLICK HERE.

The Sandstone Ridge Trust cannot accept any responsibility for personal injury when exploring the Ridge.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

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