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Sandstone Ridge

Volunteers' Week: THANK YOU

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wi assisting kids hedge planting

This week is Volunteers' Week in the UK. The Sandstone Ridge Trust should like to take this opportunity to thank our dedicated and passionate volunteers across the Sandstone Ridge.

We are all too aware of how challenging the pandemic has been and how it has prevented us from pursuing activities and projects in which we are all involved. In whatever way you have contributed to life on the Sandstone Ridge, then for that we 'thank you'.

Some projects have been able to continue (albeit socially distanced when the 'rule of six' applied), notably our 'Beneath the Ridge' and our 'Pictorial, Then and Now' projects.

Several desk-top exercises have also been undertaken and volunteers have researched some tremendous topics regarding the rich and varied heritage and bio-diversity of this unique landscape.

Other volunteers have continued to support us in clearing litter, undertaking the Big Farmland Bird Count, taking part in the Zoom Annual General Meeting and supporting additional fieldwork.

Our Trustees too are all volunteers and they too have:

  • held regular SRT Zoom Board Meetings throughout the pandemic and hosted a Zoom AGM
  • appointed a new Trustee
  • appointed a new volunteer Book-Keeper
  • continued to maintain the Website which has provided a variety of news stories affecting the Ridge, thereby keeping everyone connected
  • continued to develop the Trust's ambition for 'Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty' designation
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Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

© 2017-2024 Sandstone Ridge Trust