The health and well-being of the public, our members and our volunteers are of the utmost importance to The Sandstone Ridge Trust.
We have naturally been keeping a close eye on government advice in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our visitor experiences are likely to be different from usual with the need to adhere to social distancing policies.
Car park openings (such as that at the National Trust site at Pool Lane) will be phased.
Following the most recent statement by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday 10 May and in which he stated ... 'you may drive to a location to exercise as long as you are with members of your household ... then we suspect that more of you will be enjoying The Ridge in the coming weeks.
Whilst we ask you to exercise caution on the most popular footpaths, for those accessing public rights of way as part of their exercise regime, we urge that the Countryside Code is adhered to.
In addition ...
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470