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Sandstone Ridge

Big Farmland Bird Count - 8-17 February

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The Big Farmland Bird Count is scheduled for any one day between 8-17 February 2019

This nationwide citizen science project calls on farmers, land managers and gamekeepers to spend 30 minutes spotting species on their patch of land.

Last year over 1000 farmers and community members took part, logging over 120 bird species on UK farms.

For our Sandstone Ridge Farmers this would be a great opportunity to capture what farmland birds we have in our area.

If you haven't time but would be willing to host a volunteer counter, get in touch and we will try to match you up with a student or community member – Contact Nicky to volunteer – – 07772 732508

Here's how to take part in three simple steps:

  • Download a count sheet CLICK HERE
  • Count your birds! On one day between 8-17 February, spend about 30 minutes recording the species and number of birds seen on one particular area of the farm.
  • Submit your results – this will be possible once the count is underway in February

You can also print out a handy photo ID guide to some of the more common farmland birds if you're not quite sure what you have spotted CLICK HERE

To view last year's results CLICK HERE.

Happy Bird Counting!

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

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