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Butterfly Count Finishes on Sunday 11 August

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This may well be the final image that we publish before the Butterfly Count finishes on Sunday.

Bad weather is set to sweep the country over the coming days which may well bring an end to the kaleidoscope of colour that we have all enjoyed during the last few days in particular.

Conditions have been near perfect on The Sandstone Ridge and your images have been an absolute delight.

It will be interesting to read the published results and to determine whether there has been an upturn in the fortunes of these beautiful creatures, particularly since we appear to have enjoyed such hot and sunny weather.

We will publish the results directly we know them – keep watching the Website for further updates.

As we sign off – we hope you enjoy this beautiful 'Blue' spotted earlier this week. 'Blues' are notoriously difficult to identify so if someone knows something that I don't, then please share your knowledge.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

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