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The Cheshire
Sandstone Ridge

Festival Bookings Now OPEN!

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We are thrilled to announce that bookings for our 'Walk, Talk and Ride Festival 2024' are now OPEN.

More than 20 ridge-wide events will celebrate the natural beauty and heritage of the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge and will comprise guided walks, cycle rides, talks and workshops. There are short walks, long walks and walks with talks! There will be visits to castles, gardens, woodlands and wetlands. You'll be able to learn more about our resident beavers and bats. There are family adventures and even full-day rambles for more experienced walkers.

We are especially pleased to welcome the former Cheshire Poet Laureate, John Lindley, to the Festival. John will be leading two poetry workshops exploring the connection between landscape and poetry.

Inclusivity and accessibility are important to us; all events are free of charge and many events and venues can be accessed using public transport.

Walks are graded in terms of distance, ascent, terrain, and fitness levels.

To assist Event Leaders, all events require pre-booking; this helps us to coordinate events, pass on any last minute information and supports health and safety.

On this occasion we are using the Ticket Tailor platform for all bookings.

Simply browse the programme, choose the event you wish to attend and then book your place – it's as easy as that!

Numbers for each event are limited so please book early.

To view our full programme TAP HERE.

For the link to our booking platform CLICK HERE

Alternatively, simply use the QR code which appears on P4 of the programme.

All information in the programme was accurate at the time of publication.

Keep watching the Website where further publicity will appear.

Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

© 2017-2025 Sandstone Ridge Trust