In April, Matthew Morris (Estate Manager, Bolesworth Estate) attended The House of Lords, at which the launch of the Rural HAPPI* Report of an All-Party Parliamentary Group took place – *Housing our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (HAPPI)
Fast forward, and Matthew (on behalf of Bolesworth Estate) has just returned from a Rural Affordable Housing Summit which was hosted by HRH Prince Charles at Highgrove.
This high level meeting looked at ways of resolving a growing crisis in the provision of suitable and affordable housing in rural areas, with particular emphasis on the farming sector.
A position paper circulated to attendees prior to the meeting, included reference to the innovative approach pioneered by Bolesworth Estate as an exemplar of a private landlord providing affordable housing to meet a local need. Bolesworth will continue to be involved in the next steps, which will include a detailed review of how schemes on the Estate have worked in practice.
Matthew Morris said 'It was an honour to be invited to participate in the Rural Housing Summit. It was clear from discussions that His Royal Highness has a real depth of passion and knowledge of key rural issues like affordable housing. Bolesworth Estate is proud to be helping to inform the national debate on this important subject and we will continue to provide high quality affordable and subsidised housing across our local communities'.
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