Rock climbing has been a significant activity on The Sandstone Ridge for a hundred years and more.
The most obvious, and important, location has been Helsby Crag, the imposing outcrop overlooking the M56 motorway.
There are also a series of smaller, hidden, outcrops below Woodhouse Hill at Frodsham.
About 200 yards south west of Helsby Crag is Tennis Court Buttress.
Twelve miles south of Helsby is Beeston Tor where climbing is not permitted but which nevertheless is likely to have seen some illicit climbing activity.
The list goes on ....
Colin Green has kindly submitted a detailed article to appear on the Website – to read it fully CLICK HERE.
Any reader interested in learning more can Google "UKC Logbook – Helsby" – CLICK HERE to see a section of photos of climbing at Helsby (our image it taken from this site).
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