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Responsible Use & Disposal of Single-Use Plastic Tree Guards

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Last week was National Tree Week, when individuals were encouraged to pick up a spade and plant a tree.

That said, tree planting and the Government's commitment to plant thousands of hectares of trees a year across the UK, have also prompted some of our readers to write in regarding the prevalence of single-use plastic tree guards.

The Ridge contains some spectacular woodland – not least ancient woodland.

Our Farmer Network has also been encouraged to plant trees (provided by The Woodland Trust) CLICK HERE.

The use of plastic tree guards, whist contentious, is not wholly in question. What is in question, however, is the need for responsible use of plastic tree guards, together with the appropriate removal of disintegrating guards and/or the possible recycling of such guards when they have served their useful purpose.

  • CLICK HERE to read the comments of one of our readers, together with an image of disintegrating guards right here on The Ridge
  • CLICK HERE to read The Woodland Trust's FAQs response to the use of plastic tree guards
  • CLICK HERE to read a Conference Workshop Report which contains discussion from representatives of both sides of the argument
  • CLICK HERE to read the Forestry Commission Report on the Use of Tree Guards and Shelters

Forestry England now has a separate website too

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

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Registered Charity No. 1144470

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