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The Cheshire
Sandstone Ridge

Respect, Protect, Enjoy

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With new year resolutions in mind, lots of individuals have been out walking the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge. It cannot have escaped your notice, however, that litter remains an ongoing problem, more noticeable after any holiday.

Managing footfall in some of our popular 'hotspots' on the Ridge has been an ongoing concern throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, together with the increase in staycations.

Discarded litter, trampling and footpath erosion, together with increased traffic and additional parking, have become more significant as extra visitors have put pressure on this and other areas.

The Cheshire Sandstone Ridge is home to some remarkable and distinctive landscapes but it is also a working environment too with residents, businesses, farms and landowners.

We ask everyone to 'Respect, Protect and Enjoy' and to dispose of litter responsibly.

If you are out walking, slip a bag in your pocket and if you feel you can bin any litter responsibly then for that we thank you. If we are all pledged to picking up just 2 pieces of litter when we are out walking, it would make a tremendous difference (please ensure that you take necessary safety precautions).

Our thanks to previous groups on the Ridge who have done sterling work in clearing litter in some of our hotspots.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

© 2017-2025 Sandstone Ridge Trust