It is likely that we will have friends, family and visitors over the Easter period, so why not get outside and take in some fantastic walks on The Sandstone Ridge, whilst combating those extra calories too!
It is probably worth reminding everyone, therefore, about the 'The Countryside Code'.
The 'Countryside Code' applies to all parts of the countryside in England and Wales, aiming to help everyone to respect, protect and enjoy the outdoors.
It is equally important when walking across farms in the locality, mindful that our farmers are going about their business with their livestock. For example, keep out of the way when farm animals are being gathered or moved and follow directions from the farmer.
To view The Countryside Code online, thenCLICK HERE
We have also reproduced a number of our leaflets on our site.
There is something to please everyone in terms of time, distance and degree of difficulty.
For more information CLICK HERE
Happy Walking!
Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470