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Sandstone Ridge

Respect, Protect and Enjoy the Sandstone Ridge

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You will have read in the press of the problems caused by the sheer numbers and behaviours of 'some' people who are now accessing the countryside and the coast; the images of the staggering piles of litter left at Durdle Door last weekend immediately come to mind.

With the recent and prolonged hot weather, there was immediate concern for fires on The Ridge but we would also like to draw your attention to the problems of litter.

We know that you love walking on the Sandstone Ridge and we are equally aware that the government road-map out of lock-down means that more of you are accessing The Ridge than in mid March.

We are also aware that The Ridge can currently be accessed from a number of access points, and not just at the designated car-parks where there might be bins.

We ask everyone, therefore, to be mindful of the Countryside Code and of Public Rights of Way when out and about on The Sandstone Ridge.

'Respect, Protect and Enjoy' this magical landscape for the enjoyment of everyone.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

© 2017-2025 Sandstone Ridge Trust