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Sandstone Ridge

Lockdown Restrictions Ease

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It will be a huge relief to many of our partners and businesses on the Sandstone Ridge that from 12 April, we see an easing of the Covid-19 Restrictions.

More businesses are allowed to open but indoor settings should be visited alone, or only with household groups.

  • Outside, six people or two households can meet
  • All shops allowed to open
  • Hairdressers, beauty salons and other close-contact services can open
  • Restaurants and pubs are now allowed to serve food and alcohol to customers sitting outdoors
  • Gyms and spas can reopen, as can zoos, theme parks, libraries and community centres
  • Members of the same household can take a holiday in England in self-contained accommodation
  • Weddings attended by up to 15 people can take place
  • Funerals be attended by up to 30 people, with 15 at wakes
  • Children will be able to attend any indoor children's activity
  • Care home visitors will increase to two per resident

Stay safe everyone and please ensure that you still adhere to rules relating to social distancing and to face coverings.

The next key date in the easing of restrictions is 17 May.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

© 2017-2025 Sandstone Ridge Trust