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Land Action Plan Consultation Deadline 12 December 2021

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In response to the climate and nature emergencies facing communities worldwide, including here in west Cheshire, a draft Land Action Plan for the Climate and Nature Emergencies has been produced.

The plan focuses on land use, adaption and climate repair, a key theme of the borough's Climate Emergency Response Plan. Setting out a vision for land in west Cheshire, the plan includes 68 actions that will help to restore and protect nature, which will both help tackle the climate crisis and provide many benefits for our communities.

Earlier in the year, the Council ran an engagement exercise on the Local Plan, which asked people to share their ideas on what the Local Plan could do to address climate change, to protect and enhance the natural and built environment and to highlight land that is important to protect. This Land Action Plan consultation provides an opportunity to look at land use in the borough in more detail.

View the plan

View a summary of the Land Action Plan

View the draft full Land Action Plan)

Share your views

We want to hear your views on the draft Land Action Plan so that we can develop a plan that benefits both the environment and our communities. Share your ideas and views of the plans on our online survey by Sunday 12 December 2021.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

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Registered Charity No. 1144470

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