The Big Farmland Bird Count is back.
This year, it takes place between 7-23 February.
We encourage our farmers and land managers on the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge to take part and to record the bird species and numbers on their farms.
A word from TV presenter and farmer Adam Henson ...
'The UK has lost more than 70 million wild birds over the last 50 years, with over 60% of farmland birds affected. Farmers have the opportunity to be at the forefront of any efforts to restore those populations. Nature-friendly farming is the way forward, and to make sure we’re getting it right, providing the best habitats and support for our farmland birds, it is important to keep records. Taking part in the Big Farmland Bird Count helps us do exactly that, which is why I will be taking part'.
For full details on how to take part CLICK HERE.
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