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Sandstone Ridge

Do You Have a Favourite Tree? Our Ancient Woodland.

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Have you been listening to Radio 4 this week which has been featuring some remarkable comment, celebrating the connection between humans and trees.

The Cheshire Sandstone Ridge enjoys 13% of woodland cover, including 343 hectares of ancient woodland. Woodland cover at over 13% is relatively high compared with adjacent areas. At Delamere Forest, managed by the Forestry Commission, there is more extensive broadleaved and mixed woodlands on the slopes and large blocks of commercially managed conifers on the gravelly soils to the east.

One of our ancient trees can be seen in all its glory as follows: from Stone House Lane follow the footpath between the houses opposite Peckforton Hall Lane, cross an ancient style into a field and the tree is on your right.

Within the area of the Sandstone Ridge, the Woodland Trust also manages over 60 hectares of broadleaved woodland at four sites: Frodsham Hill, Woodhouse Hill, Snidley Moor and Wheeldon Copse. Some areas of woodland at Woodhouse Hill and Frodsham Hill are recorded as Ancient Woodland, although due to human intervention in previous centuries including clearance of trees and grazing, these are more correctly classed as 'Semi-Natural Ancient Woodland' with woodland cover having existed on the site since at least 1600.

'Tree hugging' is now regarded as a valid practice; good for your health and a proven way of soothing the body. So, when out on The Ridge, enjoy our ancient woodland.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

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Registered Charity No. 1144470

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