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Big Farmland Bird Count Results 2023

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With farmland comprising up to 70% of the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge, it's always good to see the results of the Big Farmland Bird Count (organised by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust and sponsored by the National Farmers Union).

And, the 2023 results are in!

February 2023 saw the 10th annual Big Farmland Bird Count (BFBC).

Over 1,700 farmers took part and recorded 149 species across more than 1.5 million acres, counting more than 460,000 birds!

The BFBC aims to highlight the positive work done by land managers and gamekeepers for farmland bird populations.

The count offers a simple means of recording the effects of conservation work on farmland, such as feeding birds through winter or growing special crops to provide seed and cover for birds.

Take a look at the GWCT infographic for the overall outcome (to the right – click on image to enlarge).

A total of 33 species from the Red List for Birds of Conservation Concern and 47 from the Amber List were recorded.

Fourteen listed birds appeared in the list of the Top 25 most abundant species.

The four most abundant Red Listed species were starling, lapwing, fieldfare and linnet.

The Top 25 birds in terms of total number spotted in the 2023 count (coloured according to their Red List status) are shown in the table to the right (click on image to enlarge).

Thanks to everyone on the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge who took part.

For more information on Red and Amber Listed birds CLICK HERE.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

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Registered Charity No. 1144470

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