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Big Butterfly Count 2021 finishes Sunday

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During last year's lockdown, many of you turned to the Big Butterfly Count as another way of engaging with the countryside and valuing garden space.

This year's Big Butterfly Count runs until Sunday 8 August.

Why count butterflies you might ask?

We count butterflies because not only are they beautiful creatures to be around but they are also extremely important. They are vital parts of the ecosystem as both pollinators and components of the food chain.

However, they are under threat.

Numbers of butterflies and moths in the UK have decreased significantly since the 1970s; a warning that should not be ignored.

The survey is run by the Butterfly Conservation Charity.

On how to get involved as well as support for butterfly recognition CLICK HERE.

Our image shows a green hairstreak butterfly, found on the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

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Registered Charity No. 1144470

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