Members of the Sandstone Ridge Trust, representatives from CWaC and Cheshire East and 5 Officers from Natural England met last week to map out the next steps in the potential AONB designation process.
As promised, we provide an update:
Discussion points centred around:
*Background and context to the Natural England Designations Programme, including the potential status for AONB status for the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge
*The establishment of a Management Advisory Group, including membership and terms of reference
*Wider stakeholder engagement and the scheduling of a designation process workshop to raise awareness and understanding
*Overview of the designation process
*Initial timeline and project plan
*Area of Search in relation to the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge potential AONB designation
*Contract Procurement and Specification for Consultants
*Possible next steps
As we have always said, the assessment process represents a journey (2.5 – 3 years) in which a multiplicity of evidence and technical information is required, all of which has to be evaluated and sufficiently robust for interrogation. Designation is not guaranteed.
We will keep you posted.
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