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Sandstone Ridge

Cheshire Wildlife Trust

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Cheshire Wildlife Trust has been working for wildlife across the region for over 50 years, standing up for nature and securing special places for wildlife with the support of its loyal 13,000 members.

The Trust is very active within the Sandstone Ridge: they look after wetland nature reserves at Abbots Moss, Black Lake and Hatchmere in the Delamere Forest area, as well as woodland and grassland habitats at their reserves at Hunter's Woodand Warburton's Wood, a little further north on the slopes leading towards the Weaver Valley.

These reserves are important refuges for a huge range of our native plants and animals. The Trust is also working hard to bring some of the region's rarest wildlife back to Cheshire including white-faced darter dragonflies at Delamere Forest, in partnership with the Forestry Commission.

Nature reserves and other protected wildlife sites can't survive in isolation and need to be better connected with other habitats as part of larger, functioning ecological networks. Cheshire Wildlife Trust is, therefore, actively connecting large parts of its nature reserve network through a Living Landscape scheme, by working with farmers, landowners and communities to link-up the best pieces of the rural jigsaw for wildlife. This allows species to move freely along natural corridors like rivers and hedgerows and gives wildlife breathing space from the pressures of development and climate change. The Trust's Delamere Living Landscape project is one example of this landscape-scale approach to wildlife conservation.

Cheshire Wildlife Trust hosts many events across Cheshire each year, to inspire families to connect with nature, including many held at its Headquarters at Bickley Hall Farm, at the southern edge of the Sandstone Ridge area. As well as adding your support to 13,000 other nature devotees through membership, you can also join its 1000 volunteers and get involved with a wide range of inspiring activities including wildlife surveys, practical conservation tasks, and learning and environmental education sessions for young people.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

© 2017-2025 Sandstone Ridge Trust