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Sandstone Ridge

John Lindley

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John Lindley, former Cheshire Poet Laureate and Manchester Cathedral Poet, has written extensively about the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge.

He has read at numerous poetry festivals around the UK. He has run creative and critical workshops on poetry for all ages and abilities, including writers' groups, Travellers, U3A groups, at writing festivals and in universities, schools, prisons, youth clubs and day care centres. He also runs workshops for those with learning difficulties and in the mental health sector.

Alongside many workshop and reading engagements that John undertook as Cheshire Poet Laureate, around a dozen writing commissions came his way that year, one of which was 'Stone by Stepping Stone', commissioned by Cheshire County Council for the ECOnet Environmental Planning project. The poem was included in his 2005 poetry collection 'Cheshire Rising'.

To be directed to his poem 'Stone by Stepping Stone' – CLICK HERE.

We have featured the work of John Lindley previously – CLICK HERE.

Our thanks to John for allowing us to reproduce his work on our Website.

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Sandstone Ridge Trust

Registered Company No. 7673603
Registered Charity No. 1144470

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