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Pictorial History of the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge

The Cheshire Sandstone Ridge Trust would like your help to compile a pictorial history of the wonderful Sandstone Ridge.

The Ridge has a long and rich history, that ranges from pre-historic landscapes through the Roman, Saxon and Medieval periods to the present day.

Old photographs and postcards can provide a revealing snapshot into how people have interacted with the landscape over time. By comparing archived images with present day views it becomes possible to understand how the countryside, villages and buildings in the area have changed over time.

The Trust would like to hear from anyone who has old photographs and postcards of the Cheshire Sandstone Ridge area. These can be either in their original (photograph/postcard), or scanned (digital) forms. If enough images can be found, it is hoped that they could be published in a small book for everyone's enjoyment.

You can contact the Trust by emailing terri9hull@gmail.com

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