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The Big Farmland Birdcount ends on 20 February 2022


Calling our Sandstone Ridge Farmers — the Big Farmland Birdcount ends on 20 February.

It would be fantastic if we could add to some of the great information that we have already captured on wildlife in the area in recent years.

In previous years the Big Farmland Bird Count has provided a useful insight to the bird life in the area. If you can find 30 minutes during the next week when you are out and about to take part, all the materials are on the links below.

CLICK HERE for the count sheet.

Please scan your count sheets back to ELM Associates (Nicky's contact details are:

Nicky and the team will collate the results and submit them to GWCT (the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust) as a group, and put a link to the findings on our Sandstone Ridge Farmers Webpage.